
Buddha - By Osamu Tezuka

This was an interesting epic portrayed beautifully by Tezuka, who is truly an anime master..

The epic is in 8 parts ,, pretty elaborate and a monumental work - it is nice graphically and traces a number of story lines for characters around the life of siddhartha .. creative , informing and humorous.

Here are some screenshots from the series , which carry some powerful words and moments :

Buddha - Tezuka - Suffering

Buddha - Tezuka - Karma

Buddha - Tezuka - Lost in the tangle

Buddha - Tezuka - Transformation

Buddha - Tezuka - Last Words

Buddha - Tezuka - The net of life

Last Words :
Interestingly , and as a frequent feature here of famous last words , Tezuka died of stomach cancer on 9 February 1989 in Tokyo. His last words were: "I'm begging you, let me work!"....

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