
Lili Marleen


Lili Marleen (English Literal Translation)
In front of the barracks,
In front of the main gate,
Stood a lamppost,
If it still stands out front,
So will we see each other there again,
By the lamppost we'll stand,
As before, Lili Marleen.
Our two shadows
Looked like one.
That we were so much in love,
Anyone could see at a glance.
And everyone will see it,
When we stand by the lamppost,
As before, Lili Marleen.
Already called the guard,
“They’re blowing taps.
That could cost you three days!”
“Comrade, I'll be right there.”
Then we said farewell,
How much would I have rather gone with you,
With you, Lili Marleen.
It knows your footsteps,
Your beautiful walk.
It burns every evening,
Although it forgot me long ago.
And if a mishap should befall me,
Who will stand by the lamppost,
With you, Lili Marleen?
Out of the silent space,
Out of the depths of the earth,
Lifts me as in a dream
Your beloved mouth.
When the nocturnal mists swirl,
I will be standing by the lamppost,
As before, Lili Marleen.

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