
Sounds of the past

I remember reading in a novel an imaginary scenario by a character

about the possibility of obtaining the sounds and voices of people

from the past if we had advanced enough technology.. Had to think how

possible theoretically that is. So the objective is reduced to trying

and record certain vibrations of air particles that happened

generations back. A trace of every wave caused by a vibration

supposedly vanishes only at infinity, as it is a dampened sinusoidal

wave. The issue then becomes that of obtaining the device with that

powerful sensitivity and variance and ability to trace waves of

infinitesimally low magnitudes, and to determine their current

location and orientation and frequency. The other problem also would

be about the possibility of interference between two similar waves and

sorting out the different possibilities of amplitude and

frequency-complex waves.. Breaking down layers of signals of variable

amplitude, frequency, and orientations into their original simple

components. It is very possible that from the third resonance onward

(yes that fast) a mixed signal would become equivalent to a newly

generated voice signal.... The fact that entropy increases (and

obviously exponentially here)makes this an even more impossible


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