الآن.... في المنفى
الآن، في المنفى... نعم في البيت،
في السّتين من عمر سريع
يوقدون الشّمع لك فافرح ، بأقصى ما استطعت من الهدوء،
لأنّ موتاً طائشاً ضلّ الطريق إليكمن فرط الزحام ... وأجّلك
قمرٌ فضوليٌ على الأطلال ،يضحك كالغبي
فلا تصدّق أنه يدنو لكي يستقبلك
هو في وظيفته القديمة،مثل آذارالجديد...
اعاد للأشجار أسماء الحنين و أهملك
فلتحتفل مع أصدقائك بانكسار الكأس.
في الستين لن تجد الغد الباقي لتحمله
على كتف النشيد... ويحملكْ
قلْ للحياة، كما يليق بشاعرٍ متمرّسٍ:
سيري ببطء كالأناث الواثقات بسحرهنَّ وكيدهنَّ.
لكلِّ واحدةٍ نداءٌ ما خفيٌّ:هيْت لكْ/ ما أجملك!
سيري ببطءٍ ، يا حياة، لكي أراكبكامل النقصان حولي.
كم نسيتك في خضمّك باحثاً عنّي وعنك.
وكلّما أدركت سرّاً منك قلت بقسوةٍ: ما أجهلكْ!
قلْ للغياب: نقصتني وأنا حضرت ... لأكملكْ!
Now .. In the exile
Now .. In the exile, Yes at home
at sixty of a fast age,
They light candles for you
So rejoice.. with your utmost silence
Because a reckless death lost the way to you ..
because of overcrowding.. and postponed you
Now .. In the exile, Yes at home
at sixty of a fast age,
They light candles for you
So rejoice.. with your utmost silence
Because a reckless death lost the way to you ..
because of overcrowding.. and postponed you
a curious moon on the ruins..
laughing like a fool.
Don't believe that he is coming close to welcome you
He is in his old job like the new march...
returned to trees the names of longing, and neglected you..
So celebrate with your friends the shattering of the glass.
laughing like a fool.
Don't believe that he is coming close to welcome you
He is in his old job like the new march...
returned to trees the names of longing, and neglected you..
So celebrate with your friends the shattering of the glass.
At sixty.. You will not find the remaining tomorrow
so that you may carry it on the shoulder of a hymn.. and that it may carry you
so that you may carry it on the shoulder of a hymn.. and that it may carry you
Tell life - as is worthy of an experienced poet:
Walk slowly.. like women so confident of their charm..
and their schemes.. each with an invisible call:
come closer.. Your are so beautiful
Walk slowly oh life,
so that I may see you with all the incompleteness around me..
How much have I forgotten you, In your midst
searching for me and for you..
And whenever I realized one of your secrets, you answered harshly,
"So ignorant you are!"
Tell absence:
You have reduced me and I came..
To complete you!
Walk slowly.. like women so confident of their charm..
and their schemes.. each with an invisible call:
come closer.. Your are so beautiful
Walk slowly oh life,
so that I may see you with all the incompleteness around me..
How much have I forgotten you, In your midst
searching for me and for you..
And whenever I realized one of your secrets, you answered harshly,
"So ignorant you are!"
Tell absence:
You have reduced me and I came..
To complete you!