Jacques the Fatalist - Diderot
This is a very interesting 'book' ( the writer insists in many of his interruptions to the story that its neither a 'story' nor a 'novel' ), with a form that very closely resembles its theme...
Somehow depicting the society of the period, taking many ( many ) shots at the clergy and the socialites and displaying stories and events that to 'Jacques' are simply due to the fact that it was written 'up there'... You wait from the beginning of the book to know where Jacques and his master ( or his valet - we don't know who is whom because Jacques is a proactive leader valet who is a fatalist!! ) are going, or what are the stories of his loves .... but ... seems its written 'up there' that there will be many interruptions, and that you can't really know ...
A humorous series of stories ... not interconnected tightly ... the writer intrudes alot ... and the whole thing is like a dismantled piece where you have to assemble the small parts ... somehow reflecting an atmosphere of freedom ... that allows the writer to discuss many themes and ideas of different philosophies ...
So many contradictions in the characters and the events.. and interruptions from Diderot himself, make this book even if a bit annoying at first ... a funny and intriguing piece ..
Israeli Contributions..... Really?
My intelligence is insulted ( yours should be too ) by anybody who says: Israel - 60 years of contributions .....
Its a real mockery indeed .....
I mean ... Give me:
1- 130 billion dollars ( from the united states alone - not to mention help by other western countries ) .... ( and large amounts of money made a truly big difference 60 years ago where the time value makes it really huge ) next to many many billions of dollars from very many many charitable people world wide
2- Huge Corporate support from so many large corporations worldwide ( Boycott is necessary as a weapon against these offendors ) - through funding, opening RnD centers and investing heavily in educational infrastructure , and complete readiness to act as i demand. We need to have a complete boycott campaign against these israeli supporters .... Its the minimum western consumers can do as well to communicate their stand
3- Unconditional International support, diplomatically, militarily and economically
4- A huge network of support spread accross the west, in media, in political institutions, think tanks, corporations, banks, colleges, other .., that would give me all the necessary help to achieve goals
5- The magical ability to scare, indiminate anybody who disagrees, opposes or doesnt do exactly what i want by calling him 'Nazi' or 'Anti-semitic' urging further unconditional and unquestionable support ... ( I think I would love that more than a magic wand :) :) ) ... There a second group of people that i just can kill, and then use the magical ability to silence any objections.
Give me all the above ( scientific, economic, political and social 'unconditional' and 'unquestionable' ) support ( I am so generous that I dont even need you to involve the time value of money ) and I promise that in 30 years ( not 60 ) I will have created immortal, rainbow-colored human beings with an IQ of 360 minimum, who can fly, communicate telapathically, and fa** giant balls of fire .... ( well maybe a bit less, but something to that extent ) ...
I will surely then have somebody create a thread called 'Ahmad - 30 years of contributions' .... and try to force people forget the killing ...
STOP Insulting our Intelligence PLEASE !!!
( Oh and western people .. stop admiring anything about 'israel' please )
Interesting Facts about the Arab Israeli Struggle - I
Who Started Terrorism in the Arab-Israeli Conflict?
- Bombs in Cafes: first used by Zionists in Palestine on March 17th, 1937 in Jaffa.
- Bombs on Buses: first used by Zionists in Palestine Aug. 20th-Sep. 26, 1937.
- Bombs in Market Places: first used by Zionists on July 6th, 1938 in Haifa.
- Bombing of Hotels: first used by Zionists on July 22nd, 1946 in Jerusalem.
- Bombing of Foreign Embassies: first used by Zionists on October 1st, 1946 in Rome (against the British).
- Mining of Ambulances: First used by Zionists on October 31st, 1946 in Petah Tikvah.
- Letter Bombs: first used by Zionists in June 1947 against British targets in UK.
(for documentation, cosult The Arab Women's Information Committee and The Institute for Palestine Studies, Who Are the Terrorists? Aspects of Zionist and Israeli Terrorism, (Beirut: Insitute for Palestine Studies, 1972).
-1- Zionist Colonialization
"Moshe Dayan, former Chief of Staff and Minister of Defense, was uninhibited in his summary of the nature of Zionist colonization before students at the Israel Institute of Technology (The Techniyon):
We came here to a country that was populated by Arabs, and we are building here a Hebrew, Jewish state. Instead of Arab villages, Jewish villages were established. You do not even know the names of these villages and I do not blame you, because these geography books no longer exist. Not only the books, but also the villages do not exist."
-2- Arab Villages wiped
The following table was prepared by Israel Shahak, Chairperson of the Israeli League for Human and Civil Rights, under the heading " Arab Villages Destroyed in Israel." [65]http://takingaimradio.com/hhz/ch05.htm
The Right to resist
You might be interested to know that international agreements consider resistance of occupation of one's country a legitimate act and one of the human rights..
In 1977 article 1(4) of the First Additional Protocol (IAP) to the Geneva Conventions expanded the application of the IHL to
"…armed conflicts in which peoples are fighting against colonial domination and alien occupation and against racist régimes in the exercise of their right of self-determination...". and :
The right to self-determination was acknowledged by the international community in UN General Assembly Resolution 181 of 29 November 1947, and recently by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in its Advisory Opinion on the Wall (section 118).