
الان في المنفى - Now .. In the exile -- By: Mahmoud Darwish (محمود درويش)

الآن.... في المنفى
الآن، في المنفى... نعم في البيت،
في السّتين من عمر سريع
يوقدون الشّمع لك فافرح ، بأقصى ما استطعت من الهدوء،
لأنّ موتاً طائشاً ضلّ الطريق إليكمن فرط الزحام ... وأجّلك
قمرٌ فضوليٌ على الأطلال ،يضحك كالغبي
فلا تصدّق أنه يدنو لكي يستقبلك
هو في وظيفته القديمة،مثل آذارالجديد...
اعاد للأشجار أسماء الحنين ‏و أهملك
فلتحتفل مع أصدقائك بانكسار الكأس.
‏في الستين لن تجد الغد الباقي لتحمله
على كتف النشيد... ويحملكْ
قلْ للحياة، كما يليق بشاعرٍ متمرّسٍ:‏
سيري ببطء كالأناث الواثقات بسحرهنَّ ‏وكيدهنَّ.
لكلِّ واحدةٍ نداءٌ ما خفيٌّ:‏هيْت لكْ/ ما أجملك!
سيري ببطءٍ ، يا حياة، لكي أراك‏بكامل النقصان حولي.
كم نسيتك في خضمّك باحثاً عنّي وعنك.
وكلّما أدركت سرّاً منك قلت بقسوةٍ: ما أجهلكْ!‏
قلْ للغياب: نقصتني وأنا حضرت ... لأكملكْ!‏
Now .. In the exile
Now .. In the exile, Yes at home
at sixty of a fast age,
They light candles for you
So rejoice.. with your utmost silence
Because a reckless death lost the way to you ..
because of overcrowding.. and postponed you
a curious moon on the ruins..
laughing like a fool.
Don't believe that he is coming close to welcome you
He is in his old job like the new march...
returned to trees the names of longing, and neglected you..
So celebrate with your friends the shattering of the glass.
At sixty.. You will not find the remaining tomorrow
so that you may carry it on the shoulder of a hymn.. and that it may carry you
Tell life - as is worthy of an experienced poet:
Walk slowly.. like women so confident of their charm..
and their schemes.. each with an invisible call:
come closer.. Your are so beautiful
Walk slowly oh life,
so that I may see you with all the incompleteness around me..
How much have I forgotten you, In your midst
searching for me and for you..
And whenever I realized one of your secrets, you answered harshly,
"So ignorant you are!"
Tell absence:
You have reduced me and I came..
To complete you!


Game Theory - Interesting notes

Finishing a very interesting Audio course on 'Game Theory', which was a field that really interested because of its relationship with strategy, probably, mathematics and management science, I couldn't but notice some points that truly describe the elegance of sciences and knowledge through their beautiful interconnectivity.

Here are some of my observations and highlights:

  • Game Theory can be defined as the 'Science of strategic decision making in an interactive environment'. A strategy in the game theory context is the best move or choice that a player makes in every situation to maximize his payoff.

  • Beautifully enough, rationality is defined in game theory as 'seeking the solution that maximizes the payoff according to a certain player's standards'.. Makes you think about how much some people's lives would improve if they just were rational enough to define their standards and work according to them. Having the 'right' standards is a whole new issue by the way.

  • The nice concept of a 'Nash' equilibrium, which is defined as a scenario in which any player would be 'satisfied' by his strategy so that if he could, he wouldn't change

  • This is a nice a thought exercise called 'the prisoner's dilemma'..

    Two prisoners are with the police and being investigated as police doesnt have enough evidence. They are both guilty. They are separated and each told that if he 'tells' he will be rewarded by being set free, the other will receive the full penalty. If none 'tells' they both receive minimal prison time; yet if they both tell, they will share the full penalty. This is a non-zero sum game, and even though any rational player will chose to 'tell' on the other player, the outcome of this is much worse than cooperation... No Nash equilibrium exists here... if a player 'tells'; and if the other doesn't then its fine, but then that other would wish if he had made the other choice.. If the other had told, then both would wish that they hadn't told... Etc..

  • A study of game theory, combined with statistics of penalty kicks shot sides (in soccer) and goal keeper jumps would lead to the conclusion (according to the studied sample) that best strategy for a goal keeper is to go left with a 42% probably thus reducing the shooter's success chance to its lowest @ 83%.... Surprisingly enough the shooter's best strategy would be to shoot left with a 39% probability, thus reaching the success chance of 82%.. this is a minimax game strategy.

  • This is another interesting thought exercise.. Its called the Monty Hall problem (after the show) - It was actually in the movie '21' but - naturally - they failed to explain it clearly, and it happened that a friend asked me about it, Here is a summary and explanation:

    There is a car behind 1 of 3 doors, a player selects one door at random, so the host then opens one of the other two doors, the one which he knows surely doesn't have the car behind it. The player then has two options: Either keep that same choice, or chose another. WHAT SHOULD HE DO??

    Here initially the player had a 33% chance of winning (1 out 3).

    After the opening of one 'wrong' door, game theory proves that the best strategy is to CHANGE the door - ALWAYS.. Why??

    Well, If the player got it right initially ( something of 33% probability) and changed then he will always lose - this has a 33% chance of happening ... If he had got it wrong (66% chance) and changes he will always win. The total payoff is the sum of weighted payoffs, which will be 66% when changes, 33% when he doesn't .. ALWAYS... Experimentally this is true as well, as counter intuitive as it may seem.

  • This is interesting for computer scientists.. One experiment asked programmers to come up with a computer program that can compete with people in the 'prisoner's dilemma' game, and there were many programs submitted that we actually tested with a large number of subjects. There was one program that - IN PRACTICE - always did best:
    the tit-for-tat, that is, if you betray me this round, i will betray you in the next one, otherwise i will cooperate......... Even though there were many formulas that if you calculate will prove to be better theoretically, this program did far better than them (after all this program's best possible result is a tie)..... Why? well it has the magical components: It is simple, provok-able, forgiving and straight forward... In essence it is positive, simple and just.... This is a deep insight about humanity!

  • Game theory analyzes threats, promises, commitments, signalling and incentive schemes in depth, along with the elements that make them work and useful

  • An interesting issue is the 'tragedy of the commons' defined as the scenario in which a group of people when doing a certain 'bad' activity in a number that exceeds a certain threshold, will all suffer damages and losses... A small number of them doing it will not have that effect.. this originated from sharing grazing lands, but has very nice applications to pollution and traffic jams for example.

  • Applying game theory to economics in determination of demand equations and optimum profit levels (Oligapolies)

  • Applying game theory to voting methodologies and determining the effects of each style of voting and democracy for example on overall fairness (the tyranny of the majority, the average preference, etc..)

  • The application of game theory to Auctions and their types, and the methods of generating maximum return to the auctioneer and the maximum value of the bid-winner, introducing the beautiful dilemma of the 'winner's curse' ( you only win if you pay for something much more than anybody else thinks its worth )

This was a really challenging course that can raise a lot of healthy scientific curiosity to the underlying mechanism of many behaviors that sometimes 'just happen' , and can help a lot in supplying us with the tools and methodologies to have a good grasp and analysis of gain and strategy...

Dare to Live - Andrea Bocelli (Feat Laura Pausini)

( Here is the you tube video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCMorpX8nic )

Song's Lyrics:

Try looking at tomorrow not yesterday
And all the things you left behind
All those tender words you did not say
The gentle touch you couldn't find

In these days of nameless faces
There is no one truth but only pieces
My life is all i have to give

Dare to live until the very last
Dare to live forget about the past
Dare to live giving something of yourself to others
Even when it seems there's nothing more left to give

Ma se tu vedessi l'uomo
Davanti al tuo portone
Che dorme avvolto in un cartone,
Se tu ascoltassi il mondo una mattina
Senza il rumore della pioggia,
Tu che puoi creare con la tua voce,
Tu, pensi i pensieri della gente,
Poi, di Dio c'e solo Dio.

Vivere, nessuno mai ce l'ha insegnato,
Vivere, non si può vivere senza passato,
Vivere è bello anche se non l'hai chiesto mai,
Una canzone ci sarà, qualcuno che la canterà

Dare to live searching for the ones you love
(Perché, perché, perché, perché non vivi questa sera?)
Dare to live no one but we all
(Perché, perché, perché, perché non vivi ora?)
Dare to live until the very last
(Perché, perché, perché la vita non è vita)
Your life is all you have to give (Perché) non l'hai vissuta

Dare to live until the very last
(Perché, perché, perché Ia vita non è vita)
Your life is all you have to give (Perché) non l'hai vissuta mai

I will say no (I will say yes)
Say dare to live
Dare to live
, Songs


Atheism and The God Delusion: 3 - General Themes

The myth of the atheist elite:

Atheism and its correlation with Better education and intelligence

Are atheists smarter??

“Atheism almost always indicates healthy independence of the mind and indeed a healthy mind” is an example of many statements of this group repeated by Dawkins from early on in this book. All similar in structure and aiming simply to strengthen a certain argument that atheism is correlated with more education and intellectual abilities.

I am reminded by a nice term I found in while reading in Wikipedia once: Weasel words - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Avoid_weasel_words. I think this exactly what it is… except that instead of ‘some people’, ‘most people’, or ‘it is said’ he uses ‘almost always’, and almost surely as in ‘almost always indicates a healthy’, ‘almost sure there is no god’ …

For this discussion, I was tempted to ‘hit the net’ and look for ‘correlation of atheism and intelligence’.. I had read some references to study in the “God Delusion” but thought that the studies were actually too weak to show any significant correlation or meaning.. After the search, I saw a lot of what I expected… Atheists are indeed the louder group (many reasons here), and they are pretty absolutist as well I opened around 30 websites, and didn’t see a lot of evidence of high IQs and elitist education, which was pretty opposed to the statistics I read on those websites.. I researched deeper into what I read on those websites, all strongly promoting this correlation between atheism and intelligence, and had a 100% debunk rate!!!

The obvious reason for this claim is the ‘hijacking of pantheism’ (see below) by atheists. The manner in which a statistic is created will definitely make a huge difference about the answer. For the largest part of the educated intellectual elite, a literal belief in a personal god is something that is simply impossible, but it seems that to this exact group, atheism is exactly as refused. So many of these scientists (I couldn’t find any trustable statistics here) believe in a universal god, the moving intelligence, the pure energy, the spirit of the world…

Not just pantheism but also agnosticism (the belief that we don’t know, and can’t know if there truly is a god).

Some would argue that atheism in general expresses a lack of imagination and the ability to grasp concepts beyond the material, it also shows some form of intellectual-philosophical ‘poverty’ and that is evident in the nature of discussions that arise… of course they won’t have ‘real’ statistics exist for this, but then again.. Neither do the atheists.

Thinking about these issues only begins at a certain learning stage, which explains why a larger percentage of educated population (as opposed to the full population) [if it was] is atheist/agnostic, since theism is the default, so the largest percentage of uneducated people will be believers.

Let me elaborate a bit on statistics here… what questions are being asked to come up with these generalizations and to whom… Are all the factors considered? Social, Educational, Cultural, Personal? How ‘controlling’ is the control group?

In the “God Delusion”, and in one of the writer’s moments of glory he mentions the study below which asserts that out of this group of scientists only 7% believe in a personal god (too high a number for scientists anyway J ), and then he mentions that 90% of the American population believe in “some kind of supernatural being”….. The LIE .. the deliberate one I think, which tells a lot about motives and subjectivity lies in the different frames of reference…. Either check both for ‘personal gods’ (in which case I think that it will be 7% for scientists and around 20% for laymen) or check both for a ‘kind of supernatural being’ (in which case I’m sure that the percentage of believing scientists will grow to around 80%)…. Using the same frame of reference is something that any serious researcher should know about and use… the ridiculous thing is that we even need to mention this, but as I mentioned before, it’s NOT that simple. This is a sales man who will hide the truth, lie, and polish things so that he can sell you his goods…

- The effect of groups

- The prison numbers 0.2 % of the population of prisons are atheists


Examples :


I read on one of the website (of the very loud atheist minority) that Sweden is 80% atheist and that is one of the most advanced nations on earth. I was honestly surprised by this figure of ratio of atheism, but still with a bit more research I found that this figure is very debatable and not true. I read statistics that showed that more than 80% of the population in fact has a declared religion.

Bill Gates:

Is also mentioned many times as an atheist and I wanted to check if he truly is… then I found the below statement of his which answers this question ( he seemed to be agnostic+ )..

(November 1995 on PBS)

Frost: I sometimes say to people, do you believe there is a god, or do you know there is a god? And, you'd say you don't know?

Gates: In terms of doing things I take a fairly scientific approach to why things happen and how they happen. I don't know if there's a god or not, but I think religious principles are quite valid.


--> The keyword here is … “PERSONAL” … This word is deleted in at least three (serious) references to this study (Even Dawkins in the god delusion somehow hides this crucial important word), while in fact it carries the whole weight.

Here is how they make sure it comes out:

Again: if 7% of laymen believe in a ‘personal’ god, it would be too much if you ask me, let alone 7% of scientists !!

Marie Curie:

I read among the names of famous atheists her name and was tempted to read more. Well, turns out that she become an ‘anticlerical atheist’ after the death of her mother and sister. I mean, one can argue that such a deeply indulged scientist will have a rather weak opinion about religion, but to have such subjective reasons for this discovery really says a lot about the background and reasons.


Edison is also mentioned as an atheist so many times, and I wanted to research further here, as it is rare that very educated gentlemen seem to be:

In an October 2, 1910 interview in the New York Times Magazine, Edison stated:

Nature is what we know. We do not know the gods of religions. And nature is not kind, or merciful, or loving. If God made me – the fabled God of the three qualities of which I spoke: mercy, kindness, love – He also made the fish I catch and eat. And where do His mercy, kindness, and love for that fish come in? No; nature made us – nature did it all – not the gods of the religions.[53]

Edison was called an atheist for those remarks, and although he did not allow himself to be drawn into the controversy publicly, he clarified himself in a private letter: "You have misunderstood the whole article, because you jumped to the conclusion that it denies the existence of God. There is no such denial, what you call God I call Nature, the Supreme intelligence that rules matter. All the article states is that it is doubtful in my opinion if our intelligence or soul or whatever one may call it lives hereafter as an entity or disperses back again from whence it came, scattered amongst the cells of which we are made."


Einstein is considered to be an atheist by Dawkins (and many other marketers of atheism) but one of the author’s arguments in proving Einstein’s atheism is that a "rabbi" called his sayings diametrically opposite to Judaism!!! WHAT ??? REALLY ? Is non-Judaism equal to atheism ?? Even if that Rabbi said that Einstein doesn’t believe in god, does it become true?

Anyway I read many of Einstein’s sayings, and he seemed to be a pantheist.. He said he believes in Spinoza’s god.

Hate and the Hate speech

An interesting - and somehow - correct point raised by the author is Hate and the Hate speech that is many times used by religious extremists. There is surely something linking a person's belief that he 'OWNS' the ultimate truth, and his attitude towards others. Hate speech is also linked to absolutism, and the belief in one's 'holier' status. This remains one important point that religions need to evolve from - all religions alike. Certain aggressiveness in pleading one's cause - when it comes to religion - needs to be understood within its historical/cultural circumstances, and the huge/savage/barbaric response with which these religions were originally faced... something that needs serious revisiting and indeed there is a really significant such movement among clerics of the different faiths (significant, but not necessarily enough).. Ridding religion of hate is very crucial for the evolution of religion, and can be easily done, since the essence of - most - religions is anti-hate!

A remarkable note here, though, is that the atheist leaders themselves seem to be copying the exact same faults of absolutism. Mr. Dawkins himself is like a religious leader of a new cult or religion, with similar characteristics... he does say I’m not absolutely sure, but in a manner which is extremely similar to saying "I am the ultimate truth, the holier truth"... He says in more than one occasion in his book that religion shouldn't necessarily be respected .... This 'disrespect' towards the other and his belief system is the hidden ingredient behind hate.... Atheist absolutism is simply the sad side of the joke!!!!

My point here .... Hate is due to human faulty psychological and cultural factors, not due to religion itself (I’m not talking about a specific religion here, but about the whole system)... Religion is innocent here Mr. Dawkins....

One can easily extend this argument to debunk the 'religion causes struggles' argument ... it’s not religion that causes the struggles... its people ... people and their greed, their love for power and tendency for corruption and their absolutism .... practically this is evident in the many struggles that were done against the religions themselves ... religion doesn’t necessarily cause struggle, rather tries to reduce them and reduce bloodshed and greed... the mix-up between religion and the un-religiousness of people is an important aspect of this argument as made by atheists ...

God : Complexity, Simplicity, and the human shackles of language

Is god complex or simple? What about the universe ?

Even discussing is an indicator of the weakness and inability of our language to discuss such things, which in itself leads – when mixed with other weak knowledge fields – accentuates our weakness.

Religion and Morals – not that it has an effect on proving god’s existence

One of the (very) funny instances in the ‘God Delusion’ when Dawkins actually argues that religion has a negative (or no) correlation with morals. He argues that the majority of people in prisons are believers while there are a few atheists (less than their population ratio). This is funny because prison population – even if it has an atheist/theist ratio higher than that of the society at large doesn’t include among its theist population ‘true theists’ – who believe in the religion and practice it… these people who commit crimes are ‘masked atheists’ because devout people will not commit these crimes as their fear (even if primitively) of god will usually prevent them. It is really ridiculous that we have to mention this in a serious discussion, which makes a man wonder if Dawkins when he mentioned these statistics has a real purpose he wants to prove, or is truly so ignorant of human nature, or deliberately wants to score verbal points…


Many of my wonderings – years ago – about the existence, nature of god, divinity and the supernatural contained a much more challenging and interesting context than the ‘God Delusion’.. It was a reading that informed on some topics, but somehow I was expecting more.. more knowledge, more philosophy, more science and more horizon. It is not a problem that Dawkins wrote in so huge a topic from such a small and limited perspective and knowledge frame, the problem is absolutism and certainty (even though he says he has none).. Left me with far more belief in god than when I started.


Atheism and The God Delusion: 2 - The Knowledge Problem

Human knowledge and science – the blind crippled baby :

What is a Singularity – What is a constant

Is it just me? So many times I am amazed at how primitive and infantile (and blind?) our knowledge is. Our sciences are just an attempt to create a model that resembles the world we live in, but we fail to realize that this model we are creating isn’t really reality: It’s just how we see it, influenced by our shortsightedness, short lifespan, and many imperfections. The model is actually our partial interpretation of what we experience (which is also partial).

Maybe – just maybe – the whole path of sciences is wrong? Maybe we shouldn’t have moved through analysis into more breakups in explanation? More division and re-division? Could it be that this is due to the influence of our senses – whose playground is the physical world? These are valid questions.. There could have been an alternate route that would give more general and bigger answers..

All our knowledge and analysis is too primitive and flawed (there are a lot of factors) to make sure statements about anything – let alone about divinity. Anyway here I remember the beautiful example of Newton – Einstein: Newton came up with the formula that governs the force – acceleration relationship. A few hundred years later Einstein came up with a more general formula for the same relationship, in the light of which Newton’s previous one was simply an approximation – a special case! It’s as if Newton’s formula is a projection of Einstein’s 3-Dimensional formula on a 2-Dimensional plane… so it will miss a dimension… I am inclined to think that Einstein’s formulas and knowledge, as are all our sciences, approximations of the truth and projections on a plane with fewer dimensions. This is why there is a singularity (a point with no laws) in our sciences… do you think that there is that point… NO .. it’s simply the universe’s way of saying : “ you idiots, you’re missing a few dimensions” … the same applies for constants… there are six constants in the laws of physics (including the speed of light, the charge of the electron, etc…) that just appear at certain values, and any change of which will make our universe impossible (instead of the current – highly improbable). So.. why do we have them? AGAIN, because everything we know is an approximation of something.. Some projection on a less-dimensional space, and it happens that these things are what helps avoid looking for the more general equation … the one equation for everything … the ultimately simple complete equation!

Probability, Infinity and God

Euler when told by the queen empress Catherine that Diderot's atheistic arguments are making quite a significant noise, and asked to prove to him that god indeed exists..... He told Diderot:

"Sir, (a+b^n)/z = x, hence God exists.", Diderot had no answer, and returned to France ashamed.

This formula can't be understood nor proven nor disproven mathematically... maybe this is what Euler was trying to say ...

Word Play, Language and the literality of Man

One interesting thing about the atheism discussion is the tendency to exploit the literal statements of some believers and of the religions. In one place in the ‘God Delusion’ Dawkins says that he is not talking about the god of the scientists but the god of men… Well, it’s the same thing. Some people will have the ability to more deeply understand the concept, and their image of this will be far less literal and personal.

It is very important here to take a deeper look at many things discussed by religion, be it heaven, earth, divinity, goodness and so on. What do they represent, and – sometimes – what difference does it make to a believer, who sees his own heaven, shows of acrobatics, wordplay and elaborate byzantine discussions.

The Time scale – Evolutionary eyes again

I just need to re-mention this point here because it is part of our perception and knowledge problem. Evolution by natural selection seemed to be such a huge thing that disproves creationism to Mr. dawkins because it proved that life was created along a stretch of time and not in one shot – well, BIG DEAL!

Our perception of time means nothing. Its – again – something we do to try and portray the world around us, and so the words ‘creating the universe’ imply no possible relation with a certain time frame and not the other, so creation can happen in 1 second, 1 day, or 15 billion years. Time is just one of the dimensions on our own plane – the one with too few dimensions, remember?

Anyway I thought that it would be interesting here to mention that this is something very old, and it doesn’t require any kind of strong imagination.. I think that it is literally mentioned in the Quran that a day in god’s time is equal to thousands of years of man’s (metaphor for the impossibility of measurement).

A last interesting point related to the value of the timescale as far as divinity is concerned is the proof that is quoted in the ‘God Delusion’ that omnipotent (all powerful) and omniscient (all knowing) are mutually exclusive so god can’t possibly have both of them (the non-existent god). He says that since god is omniscient he knows the future, so he becomes not omnipotent because he can no longer change the future (he would cease being omniscient if he did).

Come on!! Really ?? We might as well give god a watch for him to know the time! Can anybody get more literal than that? This is an example of how our perception of reality, limitedness of knowledge affects our ability to understand beyond a certain limited space.


Atheism and The God Delusion: 1 - The Problem


After reading the ‘god delusion’, and some of the related literature and effort by leading atheists to explain their opinions, I was prompted to discuss some of the points that normally arise here, as a mental exercise maybe, and as a method for a deeper understanding of many of the thoughts that I’ve had on this topic for years.

I was initially just writing some comments as I read the ‘God Delusion’ by Richard Dawkins, but then developed these remarks and thoughts into the below discussion.

The Nature of God

I was watching a show by the brilliant George Carlin (RIP) once, and he was making fun of some religious old lady, and he shouted at her … “but you worship an old man sitting in the clouds, that’s ridiculous”… And he couldn’t be more correct (I think). There is a huge discussion about god’s nature, and many attribute human qualities to him (see anthropomorphism), something that is sometimes termed ‘the personal god’: A god who is very much like a person, with a person’s emotions, a person’s actions, and a person’s mode of doing things (accounting-wise for example).

My general readings over the years have led me to the belief that so many (I don’t have enough certain knowledge to say ‘most’) prominent scientists are not theists in the traditional sense of the word (I remember reading a statistic about philosophy professors), but are very far from atheism also. They are predominantly what is sometimes referred to as a ‘pantheist’ (literally meaning god-is-all). A pantheist is a person who believes in a form of universal intelligence, where god and the universe are one… Researching a lot of ‘atheist literature’, I will dare accuse the atheists of a conspiracy to hijack pantheism, while in fact; it is much closer to theism. I am a practicing Muslim, and I find – absolutely – no problems in agreeing with pantheism as I read about it [This is by no means something I invented]... The simple statement that god is the infinite creates this coincidence. On the contrary, it seems that a ‘personal god’ is something it is difficult to agree with, even from a theistic point of view... What sense does it make to give the qualities of man to god, unless – as I will discuss later – this is due to some flaw of our understanding of the transcendental.

Belief in god – In no way – means to necessarily believe in a ‘personal god’, Yet Mr. dawkins insists – so very conveniently – that the theist’s general model of god is the most personal image, which is easiest to attack and make fun of. He also accuses many of the non-atheist scientists (who believe in a non-personal god) of intellectual high treason... you wonder is the point really to have a deep discussion or to score points, and if so the weaker the target, the easier to score.


Acquinas’ arguments

I had read Saint Thomas Acquinas’ arguments for proving the existence of god before, and some of the discussions about them, and I knew that they are considered an important landmark in the evolution of theology ( I don’t believe that they are THE proof of god’s existence), so was interested to read what dr. Dawkins had to say about them. My initial surprise was that he considered them almost ridiculous (he didn’t say this literally just out of respect for the saint).

Here I will attempt not to argue for the correctness or fallacy of the arguments themselves, but rather of Mr. Dawkins’ discussion of them.

Let’s examine more:

He groups the first three arguments together for their similarity. They are:

  1. 1. The unmoved mover: nothing moves without a prior mover... an infinite regression that leads to god (at termination)
  2. 2. The Uncaused cause: nothing is caused by itself. Similar to the previous, in the need for a first cause to terminate
  3. 3. The Cosmological argument: There must have been a time where no physical things existed, but since they do exist now, there must have been something non-physical that brought them to existence à Again the first cause

Dawkins believes that these three arguments rely on the idea of regress and invoke god to terminate them. Their failure – according to him – is that they assume that god is the end to the regression, since god is ‘not immune to regression’. I was honestly expecting to see something stronger than that... something that will easily show why these statements of acquinas are rediculous... Well if the problem is calling the terminator ‘god’, DON’T… Let’s call him “Pre-BING”... there must exist a “Pre-BING” that (I’m deliberately not saying ‘who’ here) is capable of answering these regressions by his mere existence. It so happens that we called him ‘god’... that shouldn’t be a problem in itself. Anyway, by saying that god doesn’t terminate the regression (because it’s ‘bad’ – almost literally) the writer doesn’t answer anything and his discussion here turns into a childish writing. If he has no clear answer for them, he could have skipped discussing them, let alone calling the proofs ridiculous... He just plays little with words, in a manner not coherent at all that I honestly can’t find anything discuss, then moves to the fourth argument. The ‘God Delusion’ Discussion of these arguments is one important example of the shallowness of the waters as far as theology and philosophy (maybe not evolutionary biology and other sciences are concerned).

How ridiculous is it that we call the initiation of our universe and our existence a ‘singularity’ and then move along?? That is the true intellectual high treason, and signifies a true deficiency in our sense of exploration and wonder.

I know that my discussion of Dawkins’ discussion has no true intellectual weight, but I really found absolutely no statements here... not even wrong ones to argue with. This method of filling space with words will continue a lot through the book, and the weird thing is the writer’s evident sense of achievement about it.

4. 4. The Argument from degree: things in the world differ and there are degrees of everything, and there should exist a maximum, which we call god. Dr. Dawkins, simply says:”is that an argument” and includes an example if we took smelliness… other than the example being completely out of its place, I will have to agree with him here that this is not really an argument that proves anything related to the existence of god, but might have something to do with our awareness of the infinite… Anyway, I think he scores a point here. The way in which he refutes this argument though, does say a lot about the writer’s approach... Indeed it would have been easy to come up with an elegant coherent proof that through a logical contradiction shows that degree doesn’t necessarily dictate a first cause – god – but he didn’t… This flaw in the approach has a lot of value when we understand the background, and in the light of what I will mention later regarding the cultural scientific background of a certain group and their approach to divinity and spirituality. The Left brain versus the right brain… too much analysis, but lack of synthesis which makes the ‘whole picture’ and the ‘colored beautiful view’ disappear, towards more further-breakup and materiality..

5. 5. The teleogical argument: The argument from design. Living things look as if they were designed and nothing we know looks designed unless it has been. The example here is the arrow moving towards its target. It is interesting because in the Quran there is a similar version of this argument saying that the similarity of all living things should be a proof of the existence of god for all those who consider. The writer considers Darwin to be the person who devastated this argument by his theory. He means the theory of natural selection is capable of producing designs, but this argument doesn’t –at all – negate the teleogical argument, as natural selection could have easily been god’s way of creating the designs of living beings. This is something that the writer avoids throughout the book (no wonder). God in no way needs to create each and every animal alone in a horizontal, one time approach – no matter what many believers might think – but could have created the initial life (that too doesn’t need to be done so directly, but rather through mechanisms which science can discover: lightening, pressure, water, fire, etc ..), and the methods for it to evolve.

The Ontological argument

Proposed by St. Anselm of Canterbury, this is an apriori argument. It goes as follows: It is possible to imagine an ultimately great being, that of which nothing greater can be conceived. If you can, and the being exists, then you believe in god. This imagining is indeed possible even for an atheist, as he can think of such non-existent being. A being that doesn’t exist in the real world is surely less great than one which does, so the imagined ‘greatest being’ is not the greatest imaginable being after all. This contradiction proves that god must be existent (The greatest conceivable being).

Dawkins’ reply to this argument is … well... that it is... infantile... voila! He compares it to Zeno’s paradox (which can be easily proven wrong – and a ridiculous trick, unlike the ontological argument)…

Anyway, I do agree that proof of such beautiful truths and grand knowledge and wisdom surely shouldn’t come from purely logical acrobatics… But, again, he didn’t disprove it!!

The Argument from Beauty – Beyond the realm of the logical

I don’t want to over-romanticize things here, but beauty in creation, the design of things, the sheer remoteness of the possibility of our existence are indeed things through which the ‘divine’ can be felt. I guess that atheists can – with the same degree of certainty – say that this is truly where the non-existence of the divine can be… I will not argue a lot here, but would just like to mention the amazing world which is way beyond the logic, measurements and complexity of the material world… the world of the whole, and the world of the infinite boundaries of the mind.. The senses and the physical fail, but the spiritual runs free… If you believe in the divine, it will exist... and heaven might simply be inside you… anyway, I remember reading once the following beautiful sentence “They are two... with his strength the first created the second.. And with his weakness the second created the first.”

The argument from beauty is too vague and meta-logical (the positive kind) for it to be disproven or debunked.

The Arguments from scripture – More on specifics

The Arguments from scripture are arguments that Dr. Dawkins’ used in his book through analysis and discussion of certain statements in the ‘holy books’. He mostly focuses on statements from the Old Testament (some are indeed horrifying), and secondarily on statements from the new testament.. Here my answer is simple. These books are NOT god.. They were produced by people, they reflect psychological, social and even political circumstances of their times. They even reflect – sometimes – the emotional states of the people who contributed to writing them (a gradual process that continued over hundreds of years). Putting these books in their historical perspectives should truly give us a calmer look.. It is normal – although what many may say – that these books reflect elements from their time, which can (and should) be continuously updated and understood based on our newer knowledge and state of society.

It is important to note that the ‘arguments from scripture’ have absolutely no effect on proving atheism to be the correct stance as one can find 100s of problems with a certain book, with little or no effect on religion as a whole.

The 6 Central points of the God delusion: A detailed debate

I have to admit that I was still looking for a knockdown proof of god’s inexistence when I reached the summary. Anyway his summary of the discussion has six points:

  1. 1. It has been a challenge to the human intellect to explain the complex, improbable appearance of the design of the universe
  2. 2. The temptation is to attribute this appearance of design to design itself
  3. 3. This is false because it automatically raises the larger problem of ‘who designed the designer’. To go with ‘2’ would be equivalent to attempting to solve an improbability by posing an even more improbable solution. We need a ‘crane’ not a ‘skyhook’
  4. 4. The most powerful and genius ‘crane’ discovered so far is Darwinian evolution by natural selection. Design is an illusion.
  5. 5. We don’t have an equivalent crane for physics. A multiuniverse theory for physics might do exactly what Darwinism did for biology
  6. 6. We should not give up hope of the better crane in physics, something as powerful as Darwinism.

DONE à There is no god (almost certainly) !

This is it.. This is the central theme and main argument of the book, and here we can have the following discussion:

è Simplicity vs. Complexity: One of the beautiful things in the universe is its simplicity.. Living beings resemble each other wonderfully, the sciences sometimes converge in beautiful ways reflecting the same concepts (sometimes even the same equations), universal truths arise, and we realize deep thoughts and ideas without effort sometimes. Scientists are talking a lot now about unified theories and theories of everything, universal equations and so on. Complexity is simply due to man’s inability to see the ‘bigger picture’ and understand things from a bigger perspective. Our indulgence in over-analysis, the material and the physical, instead of synthesis, the arts, philosophy and spirituality has lead us away from understanding the great simple things in life.

è Design of the Design mechanism – fighting literality: This is important here. How does Darwinism really dismiss the mind’s wondering about the creator.. The initial?? So what if we know how things evolved? Is that really the ultimate thing, after which our imagination and wondering are satisfied?? I think that Darwinism is simply an explanation of something, and there is no reason (at all) to tie belief in the creator to “creationism” or the belief that god literally created everything “as is”. I actually find it somehow amusing that somebody might think that Darwinism through explaining how evolution happened can dismiss our urge to think about the origins of creation and our existence in this universe.

è Just The How: I think that this is the summarizing devastating blow to all of Dr. Dawkins’ arguments. All of this explains ‘the how’ of a certain small thing (his little field of evolutionary biology): How the current states of living beings (just that) happened to be as they are.. The How has never been the issue, so him turning it into the issue (because of the side-struggle between some creationists and Darwinism) is very similar to trying to prove that a certain building doesn’t exist by explaining to you how the plumbing system works!.. I mentioned before that I see evolution to be in harmony with religion. Even religion doesn’t explain “how” god did the creation.. He could have done creation through evolution.. Easy.. Time is not a factor when it comes to the infinite (god).. Yet it’s not the how that needs explanation.. It’s not the ‘how’.. It’s the ‘why’ or the ‘who’ or the ‘from where’ which are the real questions of divinity and philosophy..

è Who designed the designer: The designer in this case being ‘the infinite’ itself is not subject to our ridiculous theories of induction and regression. We can’t discuss the infinite with certainty, looking for iteration in it, knowing that all our – currently existing – sciences and logical devices fail to inform anything about it.

èThe Singularity: This is a response to Dr. Dawkins’ attempt to reduce the problem of religion to simply two sections: a biological one, and a physical one. He believes that Darwinism solved the biology branch of the problem by eliminating the need for a god (my discussion above shows that the Darwinism is an explanation which goes hand in hand with theism, and that evolution can simply be part of design), saying that we shouldn’t lose hope on a physical solution (similar to the biological one). Well any explanations that come from physics would be just beautiful if they touch on the issues of the improbability of our existence, but physics and math have reached a singularity: A point at which all the known laws break and become invalid… this is the moment before the big bang, where the equations of the math and physics become senseless.. It’s like dividing by zero, and creates a discontinuity of sciences, loudly telling us: “This is different”.. It’s not for physics to explore.. Another field of knowledge could be needed here..



"The God Delusion" - By : Richard Dawkins

The God Delusion is a book that sold more than 1.5 million copies, by far Richard Dawkins' best selling book. This is an author who is known to be the spear-head of atheism in the world, and who has assembled many arguments and did good research to come up with this book which is supposed to deliver the message. As he says, this book is supposed and designed to convince you that there - almost certainly - there is no god.

In this initial post, I will post a brief overview of the book, the ideas shared by the author and some general information and his line of thinking, but I will soon post a new entry that will include a more detailed discussion of thoughts and principles, where I will try to go more into a detailed analysis of the book, and from it (as it definitely includes) many of the discussions along the theism vs atheism front lines..

Here it might be interesting to look at another book on the topic, the review of which i posted earlier:
The language of god:


I don't usually include detailed descriptions of the authors of books and their deeds, but I think that here, additional to the regular reasons a description of the background has an interesting effect on the discussion of this book and the roots of many of arguments in the theism-atheism debate.

The Author

Richard Dawkins is a british ethologist (the scientific study of animal behavior), evolutionary biologist and a popular science author. He is an atheist and calls himself a secular humanist and a supporter of the brights movement.

[Dawkins is calling for an effort to re-brand atheists as "brights" in a manner similar to the re-branding of homosexuals as "gay":

Gay is succinct, uplifting, positive: an "up" word, where homosexual is a down word, and queer, faggot and pooftah are insults. Those of us who subscribe to no religion; those of us whose view of the universe is natural rather than supernatural; those of us who rejoice in the real and scorn the false comfort of the unreal, we need a word of our own, a word like "gay". ... Like gay, it should be a noun hijacked from an adjective, with its original meaning changed but not too much. Like gay, it should be catchy: a potentially prolific meme. Like gay, it should be positive, warm, cheerful, bright..

This goes in line with one of his statements in 'the god delusion' that "atheism almost always indicates a healthy mind" and his strong effort to correlate intelligence with atheism - we will come to that ]

Dawkins is an "active atheist" - a marketer (or sales man) of atheism, he helped sponsor ( or fully sponsored - im not sure ) the 'atheist bus campaign' in the UK to promote atheism (check this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjoXFq8833U ). His position in this debate is not just that of a scientist, but similar to that of a priest or sheikh or a rabbi .... he is a modern version of the 'priest of atheism' ... He has alot of energy, motivation and drive in promoting atheism.

The main theme of Prof. Dawkins is "there almost surely is NO god.. I can't say for sure, because I can't say that even about fairies and unicorns..". The main message is that science finally delivered conclusive evidence that there is no god, and this proof mostly depends on the theory of evolution - natural selection studies and writings by Darwin and others, even though he tries to invoke different discussion lines - the strongest ones came from the background of evolutionary biology.

The Book

Even though the book's greatest conclusion is the inexistence of god, most of the arguments are against the concept of the 'personal god who counts'.. this will be discussed in detail later, but i mentioned it here because initially the discussion starts with introducing polytheism, monotheism, secularism, and Agnoticism (launching the inevitable strong "sure-man's" attack on the latter - even though he says he can't be sure).

The writer next moves to discussing the main arguments that prove god's existence, showing their fallacy (he says that he is disproving them, but honestly there is alot that can - and will - be said here). He starts with Thomas Acquinas' proofs (the book calls them 'proofs' not proofs), then the ontological argument, then the argument from beauty, the argument of personal experience, the argument from scripture, the argument from admired scientists, Pascal's wager and Bayesian arguments. A lively and interesting discussion is raised over these topics, but one needs to have a good background and understanding of what he mentions to truly grasp what is being discussed.

Moving from defense to attack, the writer moves to proofs of the inexistance of god. The first is a reversal of the Boeing 747 argument [ the argument goes that if I had all the parts of a boeing 747 thrown around in my backyard, and a sudden wind blows, then the probability that this wind creates an actual running plane is similar to that of the world being created by chance ] by claiming that Natural selection reverses the equation making the existence of god that improbable (as opposed to the world just being found).

He then presents a very interesting concept which is the 'worship of gaps'.. he argues that certain gaps in the sciences are quickly filled by 'theists' by god... then whene science fills that gap, god is moved out.... so many things pending explanation are assumed to be 'done by god' in a primitive human tendancy, but as science develops, the writer argues, these spaces will become smaller and smaller, thus disproving god completely as 'unnecessary'. He Adds a discussion about the anthropic principle and its role in proving that theism just can't be true based on this vision of the world from the perspective of being created to 'completely fit' us.

The next part of the book searches for the roots of the religion looking through social and psychological factors that can explain man's tendancy to believe in a god and to look for theism, and he uses an example of the 'cargo cults' - people who used to worship soldiers who used to bring them cargo as messiahs - to show that there is nothing godlike about this tendancy.

In the next part, he moves to a discussion of morality especially since the moral principle is one important source of wondering and thougth for us, arguing that this morality that we have actually does have darwinian (evolutionary origins) and looks for its roots. He also argues - from the other side - that god is unnecessary for being 'good'. Humans can be perfectly moral and good even if there was no belief in god.

The writer moves to a discussion of the old testament, somehow a brutal discussion, showing many of things that are very hard to be accepted by our modern personality and ethics - even if we put them in their historic perspective. One important thing to remember however is that this discussion, even though directs strong blows to judaism - for example, has no strong overall effect on the discussion of theism vs. atheism. He includes the interesting concept of the changing moral zeitgeist, where there is a continuous shift - as he sees - and development in the collective 'moral spirit' of humanity.... this is what makes us reject certain old statements of religion...

The next part is basically a discussion of the evidence that religion is actually not just a support for morality, but rather a burden on it.. He includes religious hostility, fundementalism, the dark side of absolutism, the attitudes towards homosexuality, the sanctity of human life, and that even moderation in faith fosters fundementalism, abuse (physical and mental) of children...

Towards the end of the book, the writer provides a list of friendly addresses that help in 'escaping religion'...

Next I will add an Blog entry that will include a discussion of the ideas, arguments and theories discussed here and in other places as far as the theism vs atheism struggle goes... I will include some of opinions and inputs on the matter.


من أية الطرق يأتي مثلك الكرم - المتنبي

من أية الطرق يأتي مثلك الكرم

من أيّةِ الطُّرْقِ يأتي مثلَكَ الكَرَمُ      أينَ المَحاجِمُ يا كافُورُ وَالجَلَمُ
جازَ الأُلى مَلكَتْ كَفّاكَ قَدْرَهُمُ      فعُرّفُوا بكَ أنّ الكَلْبَ فوْقَهُمُ
ساداتُ كلّ أُنَاسٍ مِنْ نُفُوسِهِمِ      وَسادَةُ المُسلِمينَ الأعْبُدُ القَزَم
أغَايَةُ الدّينِ أنْ تُحْفُوا شَوَارِبَكم      يا أُمّةً ضَحكَتْ مِن جَهلِها الأُمَمُ
ألا فَتًى يُورِدُ الهِنْدِيَّ هَامَتَهُ      كَيما تزولَ شكوكُ النّاسِ وَالتُّهمُ
فإنّهُ حُجّةٌ يُؤذي القُلُوبَ بهَا      مَنْ دينُهُ الدّهرُ وَالتّعطيلُ وَالقِدمُ
ما أقدَرَ الله أنْ يُخْزِي خَليقَتَهُ      وَلا يُصَدِّقَ قَوْماً في الذي زَعَمُوا

تذكرت من فترة البيت الشهير في هذه القصيدة التي كتبها المتني على شرف - وبمناسبة - كافور..يبدأ بالقول أن من كان كافور ملكهم لا بد وأنهم يعرفون به وضاعتم (أن الكلب فوقهم).. ورغم أني و أنا أبحث عن القصيدة هذه صادفت أكثر من تفسير يقول أنه يقصد أهل مصر بالبيت (أغَايَةُ الدّينِ أنْ تُحْفُوا شَوَارِبَكم يا أُمّةً ضَحكَتْ مِن جَهلِها الأُمَمُ)، فإن الأرجح أنه يقصد حالة التخلف العامة والتي ليس لها حدود جغرافية اقليمية..فعلا لقد فهم كثير من المسلمين من دينهم قدرا يوازي "حف الشوارب" نوعا، فحدوا الدين بحدود هذه القشور وأضاعوا المقصد والغاية، غاية الدين والدنيا معا.. جميل جدا تعبير (من دينه الدهر والتعطيل والقدم) لأن هؤلاء بضيق أفقهم جعلوا ألههم الدهر والخمول وعدم الفعل
والماضي الذي لا يعرف التطور و العمل

هذا فعلا جميل ولكن عجبي أن المتنبي قال أقواله هذه في زمن قريب جدا من العصر الذهبي للخلافة الإسلامية - اصطلاحا - أي العصر الذي أمَ المسلمون العالم فيه حضاريا وفكريا وعلميا: في عصر الفلسفة والترجمة والشعروالعلوم والإبداع - ناهيك عن الشخصية الحضارية والسيادة النسبية.. لقد رأى امارات التخلف في فكر سكان أمة ذلك الزمن الجميل نسبيا فماذا يمكن أن يقول "متنبٍ" يسكن زماننا هذا؟؟ تبعية علمية مطلقة، شلل فكري، انهزام حضاري، و تقهقر ديني أسوأ بألف مرة مما كان الوضع عليه وقتها... فعلا سبحان القادر أن "يخزي خليقته" بأيديهم هكذا


احمد العربي - محمود درويش

احمد العربي - محمود درويش

"Arab Ahmad" - By Mahmood Darwish



ليدين من حَجرَ وزعترْ
هذا النشيدُ..لأَحمد المنسيِّ بين فراشتين
مَضَت الغيومُ وشردَّتني

ورمتْ معاطفها الجبالُ وخبأتني

..نازلاً من نحلة الجرح القديم الى تفاصيل
البلاد وكانتُ السنةُ انفصال البحر عن مدن
الرماد وكنت وحدي
ثم وحدي...
آه يا وحدي! وأَحمدْ
كان اغترابَ البحر بين رصاصتين
مُخيَّما ينمو، ويُنجب زعتراً ومقاتلين
وساعداً يشتدُّ في النسيان
ذاكرةً تجيء من القطارات التي تمضي
وأرصفةً بلا مستقبلين وياسمين
كان اكتشاف الذات في العرباتِ
أو في المشهد البحري
في ليل الزنازين الشقيقة
في العلاقات السريعة
والسؤال عن الحقيقة
في كُل شيء كان أَحمدُ يلتقي بنقيضهِ
عشرين عاماً كان يسألْ
عشرين عاماً كان يرحلْ
عشرين عاماً لم تلده أمه الا دقائق في
اناء الموز
بريد هوّية فيصاب بالبركانِ
سافرتِ الغيومُ وشرَّدتني
وَرَمَتْ معاطفها الجبالُ وخبَّأتني

أنَا أَحمدُ العربيُّ- قالَ
أنا الرصاصُ البرتقالُ الذكرياتُ
وجدتُ نفسي قرب نفسي
فابتعدتُ عن الندى والمشهد البحريِّ
تل الزعتر الخيمه
وانا البلاد وقد أَتَتْ
وانا الذهاب المستمر الى البلاد
وجدتُ نفسي ملء نفسي...

راح احمدُ يلتقي بضلوعه ويديه
كان الخطوة-النجمه
ومن المحيط الى الخليج، من الخليج الى المحيط
كانوا يُعدّون الرماحَ
وأحمد العربيُّ يصعد كي يرى حيفا
أحمدُ الآن الرهينةْ
تركتْ شوارعها المدينة
واتتْ اليه
ومن الخليج الى المحيط، من المحيط الى الخليج
كانوا يُعدُّون الجنازةَ
وانتخاب المقصلةْ
أَنا أحمدُ العربيُّ – فليأتِ الحصار
جسدي هو الأسوار – فليأت الحصار
وأنا حدود النار – فليأت الحصار
وأنا أحاصركم
وصدري بابُ كُلِّ الناس – فليأت الحصار
لم تأتِ أغنيتي لترسم أحمد الكحليَّ في الخندقْ
الذكرياتُ وراء ظهري، وهو يوم الشمس والزنبق
يا أيها الولد الموزَّعُ بين نافذتينِ
لا تتبادلان رسائلي
إنَّ التشابه للرمال... وأنتَ للأزرق

وأَعُدُّ أضلاعي فيهرب من يدي بردى
وتتركني ضفاف النيل مبتعداً
وأبحثُ عن حدود أصابعي
فأرى العواصم كُلَّها زبداً...
وأحمدُ يفرك الساعات في الخندقْ
لم تأت أُغنيتي لترسم أحمد المحروق بالأزرق
هو أحمد الكَوَنيُّ في هذا الصفيح الضيِّق
المتمزِّقْ الحالمْ
وهو الرصاص البرتقاليُّ.. البنفسجه الرصاصية
وهو اندلاعُ ظهيرة حاسمْ
في يوم حريّه
يا ايها الولد المكَّرس للندى
يا أيها البلد – المسَدَّس في دمي
الآن أكمل فيك أُغْنيتِي
وأذهب في حصاركْ
والآن أكمل فيك أسئلتي
وأُولد من غبارك
فاذهبْ الى قلبي تجد شعبي
شعوباً في انفجارك
... سائراً بين التفاصيل اتكأت على مياهٍ
أكُلَّما نَهَدَت سفرجله نسيتُ حدود قلبي
والتجأتُ الى حصارٍ كي احدِّد قامتي يا
احمدُ العربيُّ؟
لم يكذب عليَّ الحبُّ، لكن كُلمَّا جاء المساءُ
امتصَّني جرسْ بعيد
والتجأتُ الى نزيفي كي أُحَدّد صورتي يا
أحمد العربيُّ
لم اغسل دمي من خبز أعدائي
ولكن كُلَّما مَرَّت خطاي على طريقِ فرَّت
الطرقُ البعيدةُ والقريبةُ
كُلَّما آخيتُ عاصمةً رَمتني بالحقيبةِ
فالتجأتُ إلى رصيف الحلم والأشعار
كم أمشي إلى حُلُمي فتسبقني الخناجرُ
آه من حلمي ومن روما!
جميلٌ أنت في المنفى
قتيلٌ أنت في روما

وحيفا من هنا بدأتْ
وأحمد سلم الكرملْ
وبسملة الندى والزعتر البلدي والمنزلْ
لا تسرقوه من السنونو
لا تأخذوه من الندى
كتبت مراثيها العيونُ
وتركت قلبي للصدى
لا تسرقوه من الأبدْ
وتبعثروه على الصليب
فهو الخريطةُ والجسد
وهو اشتعال العندليب
لا تأخذوهُ من الحَمامْ
لا ترسلوهُ إلى الوظيفة
لا ترسموا دمه وسام
فهو البنفسجُ في قذيفه

... صاعداً نحو التئام الحلم تَتخّذُ التفاصيل
الرديئةُ شكل كُمثَّرى
وتنفصلُ البلادُ عن المكاتبِ
والخيولُ عن الحقائبِ
للحصى عَرَقٌ. أُقبِّل صَمَت هذا الملح
أعطي خطبه الليمون لليمون
أوقدُ شمعتي من جرحيَ المفتوح للأزهار
والسمك المجفّف
للحصى عَرَقٌ ومرآة
وللحطّاب قلبُ يمامةٍ
أنساكِ أحياناً لينساني رجالُ الأمنِ
يا امرأتي الجميله تقطعين القلب والبَصَل
الطريَّ وتذهبين
وللحصى رئةٌ. وصمتُكِ ذَوَّبَ الليل المحَّنط
فاذكريني قبل أن أنسى يديَّ
وصاعداً نحو التئام الحلمِ
تنكمش المقاعد تحت أشجاري وظلِّكِ...
يختفي المتسلِّقون على جراحك كالذباب الموسميِّ
ويختفي المتفرجون على جراحك
فاذكريني قبل أن أنسى يديَّ!
وللفراشات اجتهادي
والصخورُ رسائلي في الأرض
لا طروادةٌ بيتي
ولا مسادةٌ وقتي
وأصعد من جفاف الخبز والماء المصادَرِ
من حصان ضاع في درب المطارِ
ومن هواء البحر أصعدُ
من شظايا أَدْمَنَت جسدي
وأصعدُ من عيون القادمين الى غروب السهلِ
أصعدُ من صناديق الخضارِ
وقُوَّة الأشياء أصعَدُ
أنتمي لسمائَي الأولى وللفقراء في كل الأزّقةِ
كان المخَيمَّ جسم أحمدْ
كانت دمشق جفون أحمد
كان الحجاز ظلال أحمد
صار الحصارُ مرور أحمد فوق أفئدة الملايين
صار الحصار هجوم أحمد
والبحر طلقته الأخيره!

يا خَصْر كُلِّ الريح

يا أسبوع سكره
يا اسم العيون وبارُخاميَّ الصدى
يا أحمد المولود من حجر وزعترْ
ستقول : لا
ستقول : لا
جلدي عباءةُ كلِّ فلاح سيأتي من حقول التبغ
كي يلغي العواصم
وتقول: لا
جسدي بيان القادمين من الصناعات الخفيفةِ
والتردد... والملاحم
نحو اقتحام المرحله
وتقول: لا
ويدي تحيَّاتُ الزهور وقنبله
مرفوعة كالواجب اليوميِّ ضدَّ المرحله
وتقول: لا
يا أيها الجسد المُضَّرَجُ بالسفوحِ
وبالشموس المقبله
وتقول: لا
يا أيها الجسد الذي يتزوج الأمواج
فوق المقصله
وتقول: لا
وتقول: لا
وتقول: لا!

وتموت قرب دمي وتحيا في الطحينِ
ونزور صمتك حين تطلبنا يداكَ
وحين تشعلنا اليراعه
مشت الخيول على العصافير الصغيرةِ
فابتكرنا الياسمين
ليغيب وجهُ الموت عن كلماتنا

فاذهب بعيداً في الغمام وفي الزراعه
لا وقتَ للمنفى وأُغنيتي...
سيجرفنا زحام الموت فاذهب في الزحام
لنُصاب بالوطن البسيط وباحتمال الياسمين
واذهب الى دميَ المهيّأ لانتشارِكِ
لا وقت للمنفى..
وللصور الجميله فوق جدران الشوارع والجنائز
كتبتْ مراثيها الطيورُ وشرَّدتني
ورمتْ معاطفها الحقولُ وجمعتني
فاذهبْ بعيداً في دمي! واذهب بعيداً في الطحين
لنصاب بالوطن البسيط وباحتمال الياسمين

يا أحمدُ اليوميّ!

يا اسم الباحثين عن الندى وبساطه الأسماء
يا اسم البرتقاله
يا أحمد العاديَّ!
كيف مَحوتَ هذا الفارقَ اللفظيَّ بين الصخر والتّفاح
بين البندقية والغزاله!
لا وقت للمنفى وأغنيتي..
سنذهب في الحصار
حتى نهايات العواصم
فاذهْب عميقاً في دمي
اذهبْ براعمْ
واذهبْ عميقاً في دمي
اذهبْ خواتم
واذهب عميقاً في دمي
اذهب سلالم
يا أحمدُ العربيُّ.. قاومْ!
لا وقت للمنفى وأغنيتي..
سنذهب في الحصار
حتى رصيف الخبز والأمواجِ
تلك مساحتي ومساحة الوطن-المُلازِمْ
موت أمام الحُلْمِ
أو حلم يموتُ على الشعار
فاذهب عميقاً في دمي واذهب عميقاً في الطحين
لنصاب بالوطن البسيط وباحتمال الياسمين

.. وَلَهُ انحناءاتُ الخريف
لَهُ وصايا البرتقال
لَهُ القصائد في النزيف
لَهُ تجاعيدُ الجبال
لَهُ الهتافُ
لَهُ الزفاف
لَهُ المجلاَّتُ أَلمُلَوَنةُ
المراثي المطمئنّةُ
ملصقات الحائط
فرقةُ الإنشاد
مرسوم الحداد
وكل شيء كل شيء كل شيء
حين يعلن وجهه للذاهبين إلى ملامح وجههِ
يا أحمد المجهول!
كيف سَكَنْتَنا عشرين عاماً واختفيت
وَظَلَّ وجهك غامضاً مثل الظهيره
يا أحمد السرىّ مثل النار والغابات
أشهرْ وجهك الشعبيَّ فينا
واقرأ وصيتَّكَ الأخيره!
يا أيها المتفرجون! تناثروا في الصمت
وابتعدوا قليلاً عنه كي تجدوهُ فيكم
حنطة ويدين عاريتين
وابتعدوا قليلاً عنه كي يتلو وصيَّتَهُ
على الموتى إذا ماتوا
وكي يرمي ملامحَهُ
على الأحياء إن عاشوا!
أخي أحمد!
وأنتَ العبدُ والمعبود والمعبد
متى تشهدْ
متى تشهدْ
متى تشهدْ
متى تشهدْ