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The Power of Now - By: Eckhart Tolle
So, It happened that i saw this book in many bookstores and many sites on the net, and the title as well as the comments on the cover [ and honestly the picture on the cover ] looked compelling enough .... but that's pretty much it.
The book should have been called : "the Power of Absolute Meaningless Bullshit-ness" [ and the last 'ness' is just to make it sound smarter as the original one tries ] !!!
This book attempts to take from the heritage of eastern philosophies [ which i deeply admire, by the way, and believe in many of their themes ] and mix it with some of the thoughts from Freud [The approach to Ego] and Schopenhauer [the struggle against immortality]. I honestly dont know if, and don't think that it is, intentionally.. but the result of the mixture is a piece of un-imaginable idiotic dimensions..
I honestly didn't read more than 3-4 chapters, but as a publisher once said "Lady, When I'm eating an apple, I don't need to swallow it completely to know that it is rotten!"..
So here are some of the statements from the book:
- Time is an illusion.. [ well you could agree to that somehow, but not like he means it]
- The past and the future can bring no pleasure or sadness and dont exist .. there is only the now ..
- Have the past and the future ever been felt or brought good or bad feelings
- You need to disconnect from the mind
- You need to fight and completely remove the ego.. it shouldn't make any difference to you if you are right or wrong [ !!!! ]
- Your mind cant understand what i'm saying .. only you can understand ..
I don't know what type of life is he trying to preach ... one with no past and no future [ he says that this is how you avoid pain bodies (?) ] .. one where the mind is minimized .. one with no ego .. with no right or wrong .... i think even one with no feelings .... He definitely erased memories [ past doesn't exist ] and hopes [ future doesn't exist ] ........ He mentioned this in the introduction ..... he's preaching the life of animals and plants !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are so many logical contradictions and huge vagueness in most of the arguments he presents.. but i don't think that a book of this calibre actually deserves that type of discussion.
A very fine example of what can happen people with a very narrow scope of knowledge and very weak mental capabilities try to preach lifestyle and philosophy of living.
In sound .. Its the prolongation or amplification of sound due to different settings that sum up in two waves of sound having the same frequency and lag ...
In physics ... its the creation of a very strong vibration due to the equality of a system's frequency to that of an external source ...
In electricity ... the absence of resistance to current flow and the system becomes completely reactive .....
In human emotions ... very similar to the above ( notice the words 'absence of resistance', 'reactive', 'frequency equality' ).. its the sharing of an emotional pattern that results in a shared increase in intensity of an emotional state !!!! Sadness, Happiness enthusiasm .. its application to children ... to leadership ...
elegant concept!
The Old Believers - Russia
نساء روسيات من مجموعة »قدامى المؤمنين« في روسيا، وهي مجموعة دينية انفصلت عام ١٦٦٦ ـ ١٦٦٧ عن الكنيسة الارثوذكسية الروسية احتجاجاً على بعض الإصلاحات التي ادخلها البطريرك نيكون. وتستمر هذه المجموعة بممارسة طقوسها الخاصة، ومنها التقليد السنوي الذي يلازم موسم الحصاد وفيه تقام صلوات الشكر للرب، وتنحني النساء التابعات للمجموعة أمام رجالها لشكرهم على مساعدتهم وصلواتهم من اجل موسم حصاد خصب. (أ ف ب)
Siddartha - By: Herman Hesse
The Son of a brahmin, he decides to become a samana, who lives in the wood, doesnt work and spends all his time meditating. He meets the Buddha and realizes that Teachers can't actually teach him. He looks at people as childish because of their emotional nature and the desires that control them. His journey later takes him to the world of flesh, physical love and trading (money). This disgusts him after many years and he escapes this life. He reaches an awareness of the importance of the 'emotional', and a river ( VERY SIMPLY ) helps him realize what time and teachers and quests couldnt.
A beautiful journey of search for the self and for the Nirvana and the meaning of life.. Fascinating resemblance between the message conveyed and Hesse's amazing Romantic (Neo-Romantic) writing style.
The Book of Laughter and Forgetting - By: Milan Kundera
I was told by a friend that Milan Kundera's books offer a very nice and interesting insight to the view of many of the people in the late communist era in Eastern Europe. This book in particular ( next to his very famous 'the unbearable lightness of being' ) looked very tempting to read..
The book is a series of short stories, very strongly connected by the themes of laughter and forgetting. Laughter is a deep value and a goal by itself.. Pure laughter.. the laughter that is originally diabolic.. But is very human and is somehow opposed to structure and organization; this is why the angels couldn’t really master it. This any structure is common in the stories touching Prague’s political conditions in the period around 'the spring'.
The writer through many of the situations and characters displays the value of laughing.. and discusses forgetting .. letting go, and allowing the past to be unconsciously integrated into the bigger flow of life, or else defying forgetting. Kundera Beautifully passes by the theme of the inability to reach the idealistic goals that the revolution is based upon, leading to its reduction into a bureaucratic body of deceit and forgetting ( in its negative form, and this is why the protagonist in one of the stories decides to live .. to remain a mark and defy forgetting ! )
Simplicity, belonging, youth, love, sex, dreams, memories, moving on, worries and hopes and more .. this book is a very emotional one, yet it doesn’t lack architectural genius and beauty of structure ( even though rigid structure in its systematic communist form is shown as opposing to the true nature of the people and detached from them).